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Center for Research Computing documentation

CRC Overview

The Center for Research Computing (CRC) manages shared computational and data resources for a wide range of research projects affiliated with Rice University and the Texas Medical Center.

The CRC administers and maintains infrastructure in four core service areas: Shared Computing Clusters, the Research Data Facility, the High-Speed Data Transfer Infrastructure, High-Performance Visualization, and Virtual Machines. While these services often fit together, each provides unique capabilities designed to accommodate specific research tasks.

This page gives an overview of these services, with links to more detailed information on each of them. If you have any questions or find that the services below do not meet your research computing needs, contact our CRC staff via ticket.

Shared computing resources

High-powered computing resources for big datasets.


High-Performance Computing Cluster(s) (HPC) 

When your project has outgrown your desktop/laptop.



Research Data Facility (RDF) 

When your project has outgrown your hard disk.



Help with Visualization of data.


A secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases

Virtual Machines (ORION) 

Help when your project needs virtual machines.

  • Commercial options currently available through Amazon AWS and Google Cloud Computing. The CRC can help you to get a quote and even to get started. Google currently offers $300 in credits to new users. Additionally for Researchers Google offers Research Credits 
  • Owl Research Infrastructure Open Nebula (ORION) VM Pool on Rice Campus
  • Decommissioned Resources
    • Shared Pool of Integrated Computing Environments (SPICE) Decommissioned: March 27th, 2018

Research Client Services 

  • We offer system administration for your local research resources (currently Linux) Desktops, Laptops, Clusters, etc... provided they meet certain criteria. Please contact us to discuss.
  • We offer consultation in tandem with your divisional representative for your local research resources

Secure Research Environments



External Unsupported Pointers 


Keywordscrc Center for Research Computing   Doc ID108191
OwnerBryan R.GroupRice U
Created2021-01-07 14:28:09Updated2024-08-22 14:21:38
SitesRice University
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