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National Computing Resources

Certain types of computational problems might exceed the capabilities of Rice systems. In those cases, we recommend using ACCESS, (Formerly known as XSEDE). ACCCES is a collection of shared computing systems distributed across many sites nationally. These resources are supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are maintained as a free national resource. Combined, these resources total over 10 petaflop of computing power. Available resources include systems for large shared memory (Symmetric MultiProcessing or SMP) applications, highly scalable applications (Massively Parallel Processing or MMP), traditional clusters, and more recently high-throughput computing via Open Science Grid. Please contact us if you are interested in exploring access to ACCESS resources (see below).

We have staff members who are ACCESS Campus Champions. Campus Champions have extensive knowledge of ACCESS resources and allocation request processes, and also have access to many ACCESS resources for exploratory work in preparation for submitting project specific allocation requests. From the ACCESS website:

The Campus Champions comprise a thriving community of practice for research computing, data and software professionals supporting one another by sharing resources, experience, and wisdom. As advocates of local, regional, and national scientific computing resources, Campus Champions serve as promoters of science. Campus Champions include system administrators, outreach coordinators, engineers, researchers, students, and more, collectively strengthening cyberinfrastructure worldwide. Visit to learn more.

If you need assistance from the Campus Champions, please contact us through the Help Desk.

KeywordsCRC, ACCESS, access-ci   Doc ID108233
OwnerBryan R.GroupRice U
Created2021-01-11 11:26:16Updated2024-08-22 14:26:25
SitesRice University
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