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Proofpoint: End User Digest
What is Proofpoint?
All incoming emails to Rice email addresses are inspected by the Proofpoint Messaging Security Gateway when the messages arrive. Messages that contain a virus, spam, or inappropriate content are sent to a quarantine area. If email messages addressed to you end up in quarantine, you will receive an email notification, called Digest, in your Inbox.
In the Digest email, you can assess the quarantined messages and decide what to do with them. You can release the message so it is sent to your email inbox or block or unblock a specific sender, or delete the message. This document explains the options.
Proofpoint Digest messages are sent out at 7:00 am. The links are only valid for 15 days. After 15 days, you will need login to Proofpoint to release an individual message.
End User Digest Example
- Manage My Account: Log into the Proofpoint Web Application. Use this function if you have multiple messages that you want to manage - Release, Block Sender, or denote as a Safe Sender.
- Note to Organization account holders: if you have Organization account(s), we recommend that you log in directly to Proofpoint instead of clicking Manage My Account. If you have already clicked Manage My Account, you will need to clear your browser cache for your other account(s).
- Request New End User Digest: Use to receive a new Digest.
- Request Safe/Blocked Senders List: Use to generate the Safe/Blocked Senders List.

Below is a sample email when you select Request Safe/Block Senders List.
End User Digest from Proofpoint is divided into two categories: Low Priority Mail - Quarantine and Spam - Quarantine.
Low Priority Mail - Quarantine Example
- Release sends the message to your inbox (Note: When you select to Release a message, it can take up to 1 hour before you receive it in your Inbox.)
- Block Sender adds the sender to the Blocked Sender List so future messages will be quarantined automatically
- Allow Sender adds the sender to the Safe Sender List so future messages will automatically be delivered to your inbox
Spam - Quarantine Example
- Release sends the message to your inbox (Note: When you select to Release a message, it can take up to 1 hour before you receive it in your Inbox.)
- Release and Allow Sender adds the send to the Safe Sender List so future messages will automatically be delivered to your inbox
- Not Spam indicates that this message was wrongly judged to be spam