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Box: Storage Quota

Box at Rice University is an enterprise cloud-based storage and collaboration service that allows you to invite Rice colleagues and non-Rice colleagues to share files and folders in an online workspace designed to access your files anywhere from any device with Internet access.

The Information Security Office maintains a matrix of which classifications of data are allowed on commonly used Rice OIT Service

When storing confidential or sensitive information, follow the guidelines listed here: Box Security and Privacy Guidelines.

Box Storage Quotas

Audience Quota
Students 1 TB
Faculty and Staff 2 TB
Research Upon Request
Visitors  Requires Approval
Resources: Getting Started | Training | Login 

Additional Box Resources

KeywordsBox storage limits audience quota   Doc ID114514
OwnerTroy H.GroupRice U
Created2021-10-26 13:27:50Updated2023-12-05 09:46:46
SitesRice University
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