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How to set up Filters and Mail Forwarding for Rice Gmail

This document details one method of filtering incoming emails automatically using the filter feature of gmail. This could be intended for anyone who wants to organize their emails before they're received. Additionally, this guide shows how to setup mail forwarding as a part of a filter.

Setting up filters using your Rice Gmail account is no different than with any other Gmail account, and is very similar to using any other email interface.

How to set up Filters

How to forward an email

How to set up Filters

  • Step 1: login to your Rice Gmail account
  • Step 2: click the gear icon located in the top right-hand corner below where it says "". This gear will give you a drop-down list of options
  • Step 3: Select "see all settings" and click on the tab labeled "filters and blocked addresses".

Your screen should look something like this:

Settings Filter Page
  • Step 4: Click on the link "Create a new filter" and a box will appear where you can input your filtering criteria:
Filtering Criteria
  • Step 5: Next, you'll click on "search" which will lead you to another drop-down box that has a list of options for what you'd like to do with your email.
A drop-down box that has a list of options for what you'd like to do with your email
  • Step 6: Once you have hit "Create filter" you should automatically get redirected back to the original "Filter" page which should also now contain your newly created filter.

Note that you can edit or delete a filter at any given time using the options located to the right of your filter.


How to forward an email

To create forwarding options, you will have to go back to "Settings" and click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" and manually add a forwarding address. 

Only then will the "Forward it" option become available.


For more information and support, please contact the OIT Help Desk.

KeywordsGmail, Filtering, Forwarding, Undergraduate, Email, Filters, Filter, gmail, filtering, forwarding, undergraduate, email, filters, filter   Doc ID70801
OwnerCynthia S.GroupRice U
Created2017-02-17 13:31:59Updated2023-05-03 05:43:20
SitesRice University
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