News and Announcements

SERVICE UPDATE: Home Drive (U: drive) Storage Service Decommission (ongoing)

Posted: 2021-11-05 18:56:02   Expiration: 2023-01-05 18:56:02

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-11-05 18:56:02. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The process of decommissioning the personal home drive (known as the U: drive) started in December 2021. OIT has publishing guides for self-migration and can offer assisted or automated migrations to alternative cloud storage locations. (NOTE: Group or Departmental storage drives are not part of these service changes.)

Beginning December 2021: no new Home (U:\) drives are being created and any unused or empty drives will be decommissioned automatically.

OIT asks individuals to consider the following actions:

  • Start reviewing the data in your Home Drive (U: drive) and delete unwanted files.
  • Select the appropriate documentation on how and where to migrate your data.
  • Select where you want to store your data: OneDrive, Box, or Google Drive.
  • For assistance or questions regarding migration of your personal drive storage please submit an OIT request online or via email to


-- Rice U: Diane Yee