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Moving personal storage to OneDrive or Box

This documents illustrates moving files from your personal U: drive to OneDrive. This process also applies to migrating data from one shared drive to another, such as Google Drive to Box or Box to OneDrive.
1. Open File Explorer on a Windows computer.
windows explorer
2. Map to Rice personal storage U:drive (or select other shared storage such as Box or Google Drive) 
a. Map U: drive on Windows 10:
b. Map U: drive on Mac:
c. Install Google Drive client (if necessary)
d. Install Box Drive client (if necessary) 
e. Install OneDrive client (if necessary)
3. In File Explorer, select File – Open new window, and then navigate to a storage option:  OneDrive or Box
4. Click and drag files or folders you want to move over to the storage directly or create a backup U: drive folder.
u drive to one drive
For more information: Migrating Data to OneDrive
IMPORTANT: Once your migration is complete, please delete all legacy data from your old U: drive and notify OIT using the Help Request Form. In the "I need to..." drop-down menu, select "report that my U: drive is now empty". Failure to do so could result in your data being overwritten later.

Keywordsfiles and folder migration from Rice Box to OneDrive One Drive Windows Mac OS storage Rice personal u drive move moving files folders personal u drive migrate migrating data   Doc ID116080
OwnerNeedsOwner U.GroupRice U
Created2022-01-13 10:55:20Updated2024-04-22 14:05:22
SitesRice University
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