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Add Rice Gmail to Thunderbird on Windows

Use the instructions in this article to learn how to add your Rice Gmail account to Thunderbird on Windows using the Firefox browser.

Article Contents

Install Duo

Install Thunderbird on Windows

Add Rice Gmail to Thunderbird

Troubleshooting Duo

The following instructions are for faculty and staff who have had their email accounts migrated to Gmail. The Office of Information Technology recommends that you use the Google Chrome browser and Gmail apps on your mobile devices to access your email. However, you can access emails from your Rice Gmail account through Thunderbird by using the instructions in this article.

blue box that states : "OIT recommends using the vendor's supported clients, which include the Google Chrome browser and the Gmail apps for Android and iOS devices."

Install Duo

Rice's two-factor authentication app, Duo Mobile, is required to access your Rice Gmail account on your computer. Before continuing with the rest of the instructions, make sure that you have enrolled in Duo. You can also access the Duo Mobile app through a secondary device (i.e., another phone or tablet) if you already have it installed elsewhere. Learn more about Duo enrollment.

Install Thunderbird on Windows or Mac

Visit this website to learn how to install Thunderbird on your Windows computer

Add the Rice Gmail Account to Thunderbird on Windows

Optional Steps: Follow the pre-steps to navigate to the Account Settings options in Thunderbird.

Pre-Step 1: Open Thunderbird. Select the Settings gear icon at the lower left of the screen.

Screenshot of Account settings options in Thunderbird

Pre-Step 2: Select the Account Settings tab from the General settings page.

Screenshot of account settings page in Thunderbird

Pre-Step 3: Select Add Mail Account... Selecting this option will take you to the Account Set Up options shown in the following steps.

Screenshot of Set up Mail account settings dialog box in Thunderbird

General Steps from the Account Setup Dialog Box

1. Complete these tasks if you are ready to sync your Rice Gmail account to Thunderbird. After installing and opening Thunderbird for the first time, you will receive a dialog box requesting additional information. Put in your name and email as No password is required at this point. Select Continue

screenshot showing the 'set up your existing email address' dialog box in Thunderbird

2. Review the sub-menu that pops up. Select IMAP and then Done

screenshot showing account options in Thunderbird set up

3. Review the next window that appears asking to log into Google. Enter your NetID

screenshot showing where to input the NetID in Thunderbird set up.

4. Review the Rice Identity Provider login prompt that appears next. Enter your NetID and password. Select Login. You will also see a prompt for Duo authentication. Complete the prompt.

screenshot of the Rice Identity provider box in Thunderbird setup options.

5. Select Allow on the next page that appears after completing Duo authentication. The page will ask to grant permissions to Mozilla Thunderbird Email. 

Screenshot of the Mozilla allow permissions to access Gmail prompt

6. Select Connect next to your address book and calendars if you would like to connect them to Thunderbird. 

screenshot showing connecting calendars and address book options in Thunderbird

While connecting a Calendar, you will see several options. OIT suggests picking a separate color per calendar connected, a refresh time of 30 minutes, and leaving read-only unchecked. You can check Show reminders if you want Thunderbird to notify you before events.

 screenshot showing connect calendar options

If you get a popup like the one shown below right after setting up your account asking you to submit or discard changes to an event, OIT recommends that you select Discard to ensure setup works correctly.

screenshot showing where to select discard changes

The last screen lets you set Thunderbird as the default for email and calendar if you wish. If you don't want Thunderbird to be the default, select Skip Integration.
Your Rice GMail account is now set up in Thunderbird.

Troubleshooting Duo

If Push notifications were not configured in Duo or a banner did not show up or only showed up momentarily, navigate back to the home screen and select the Duo Mobile app to finish the multi-factor authentication approval process for the sign in attempt (such as approving a Push notification or copying a passcode for the Passcode method).

Need Technical Support? Contact the OIT Help Desk

How to Contact the OIT Help Desk

Gmail, Rice Gmail, Thunderbird, email, email migration, Firefox, Windows 
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