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Requesting Software for Rice Classrooms and Labs

This page describes the process for requesting software to be installed on Rice computers.

Software requests for Registrar-managed classrooms and teaching labs are due to OIT in April of each year, and the software installed is set before the start of the academic year in August. Faculty will receive an email in the spring for their software requests for the following academic year. Look online for current lists of the Windows software and Mac software loaded on classroom and lab computers. This list will change every fall so please do not assume if a piece of software was installed the previous year that it will be there again. The Office of Information Technology does not cover the cost of every application, and in some cases departments will be asked to provide funding to meet requests.

In order to retain a stable environment throughout the academic year, there will be NO changes to the classroom or teaching lab software images during the academic year. These software images take months to build and verify that all of the pieces of software interact and work well together. For this reason, we cannot change the podium or teaching lab images once they are set as it might break another piece of software that a professor had planned on using to teach in the classroom.

For any questions, please send an email to Learning Environments at

Keywordssoftware request, add software, new software, install software, software   Doc ID71018
OwnerJane P.GroupRice U
Created2017-02-24 11:57:30Updated2023-09-01 08:40:45
SitesRice University
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