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How to Send from Rice Gmail Alias

This page will guide you through changing your sent-from email address in Rice Gmail. This will change the appearance of the email address in the 'from' field on sent emails. One recommended use for this feature is making a more professional alias than the standard format, for example,

Follow the following steps to add your sent-from email address in Rice Gmail.

  • Login to your Rice Gmail account then finds the Gear icon and select Settings.
  • Choose Accounts and Send Mail as:


  • Select "Add another email address you own" and another window will pop up where you type in the alias address and select the Next Step button. 

Add another email address you own

  • Send yourself a Verification message.

Send yourself a Verification message.

  • When the Verification message arrives, click the link inside.

When the Verification message arrives, click the link inside.

  • This allows you to confirm your email alias and you'll get a confirmation screen like this:

a confirmation screen

  • Log back into your Rice Gmail account and select the Settings (Gear) icon, then go to Account and Settings, you'll see your alias and your NetID addresses.

Account and Settings

For more information and support, please contact the OIT Help Desk

KeywordsGmail, Alias, Undergraduate, Email, Aliases, gmail, alias, undergraduate, email, aliases Google settings accounts send mail as faculty graduate Workspace   Doc ID70802
OwnerCynthia S.GroupRice U
Created2017-02-17 13:50:38Updated2024-04-08 10:04:32
SitesRice University
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