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CRC Data and Quotas

CRC Data and Quotas

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Data and Quotas

A summary of all filesystems available to all users is presented in the following table:

NOTS filesystem summary
Filesystem Accessed via environment variable Physical Path Size Quota Type Purge Policy
Home directories $HOME /home 5 TB 10 GB NFS none
Group Project directories $PROJECTS /projects 20 TB 100 GB per group NFS none
Work storage space $WORK /storage/hpc/work 456 TB 2 TB per group NFS none
Shared Scratch high performance I/O $SHARED_SCRATCH /scratch 300 TB None VAST 14 days
Local Scratch on each node $TMPDIR /tmp 4 TB None Local at the end of each job


$SHARED_SCRATCH is not permanent storage

$SHARED_SCRATCH is to be used only for job I/O. Delete everything you do not need for another run at the end of the job or move to $WORK for analysis. Staff may periodically delete files from the $SHARED_SCRATCH file system even if files are less than 14 days old. A full file system inhibits use of the system for everyone. Using programs or scripts to actively circumvent the file purge policy will not be tolerated.


$WORK on login nodes

$WORK is only available on the login nodes. Data can be copied between $WORK and $SHARED_SCRATCH before/after running jobs.

Regarding your old and new home directory

Your home directory from the old NOTS cluster can be found temporarily on the new NOTS cluster at /oldhome/$USER/. Files in that location are read-only, so you should not use the old home files directly, but you should copy any files you need into /home/$USER/ as soon as possible. At some point, the old home directories will be removed to allow us to clear out older hardware.

We recommend carefully considering what files to copy over. As an example, the following command would copy everything in your old NOTS home directory to your new NOTS home directory. Be careful as it could overwrite any changes you have already made in the new home location:

rsync -avx /oldhome/$USER/ /home/$USER

(Be sure to execute this command exactly as written, especially with regard to the placement of “/” characters.)

CRC Data and Quotas 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Bryan R. in Rice U
Rice University