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Google Storage Quota

Under the new Google Workspace agreement, the Google Workspace for Education quota has changed as this applies to current faculty, staff, students and visitors. The deadline to be under the limit is: December 17, 2022.

Google Storage Quotas

Google Workspace for Education storage quota includes: Google Mail, Google Drive and Photos.

The Google Workspace for Education storage quota will be as follows:

Audience Initial Quota  Additional quota 
Students 10 GB   50 GB (by request)
Faculty and Staff 50 GB   100 GB (by request)
Visitors    1 GB (General) 10 GB (Academic) 
Resources: Google Drive Help | Login

The Information Security Office maintains a matrix of which classifications of data are allowed on commonly used Rice OIT Services

When storing confidential or sensitive information, follow the guidelines listed here:  Google Drive / Docs Security and Privacy Recommendations .

  • If you currently exceed the initial quota, you will be contacted directly with additional information.
  • If you need assistance with the migration of your data, submit an OIT Request Form.
  • To view the total storage you are using, go to Settings, see all settings and scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and look to the bottom.

Keywordsgoogle, storage, limits, quota, workspace for education, google drive, docs   Doc ID114476
OwnerNeedsOwner U.GroupRice U
Created2021-10-22 16:32:30Updated2023-05-03 22:51:54
SitesRice University
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