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Zoom: Using Zoom on Canvas
Table of Contents
Please keep your Zoom software updated for the latest security fixes.
For information on privacy and security in Zoom, click here.
Scheduling a Zoom Meeting
Step 1: Select Zoom from your Canvas course navigation menu. You will have to authorize the Zoom app on the first time you click on this link.

- If you see an error message: please change the email address listed in Canvas to the one listed in Zoom. For most users, this would be your
- To change your Canvas email address: please click on the link below to go to your Canvas profile settings, then under Ways to Contact, select the star icon next to your NetID email address to make it the default. You may have to add it if you don't see it listed.
- If you continue to experience issues, please contact the Helpdesk at or 713-348-HELP.

- Topic: Title of your meeting, e.g., course name or office hours
- When: Date and time of the meeting
- Duration: Total amount of time the meeting will run for (you can enter a meeting early)
- Recurring meeting: Meetings that will be used more than once in the course (e.g., weekly discussion meetings)
- Example for a class that meets every MWF:
- Recurrence = Weekly
- Repeat every 1 week
- Occurs Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
- End date = last meeting date
- Example for a class that meets every MWF:
- Video Host/Participant: Select whether you'd like your/your participants' videos to be automatically turned on or off
- Meeting Options - Recommendations:
- Enable join before host: we recommend checking this box
- Mute participants upon entry: we generally recommend enabling this option for courses. Students can unmute themselves during the class.
- Enable waiting room
- For a class lecture, don't enable this
- For office hours, enable this
- If you'd like recordings of the meeting, select Record the meeting automatically and save the recording in the cloud.

Instructors and students can join a Zoom meeting created in Canvas by clicking on the Zoom tool in the course navigation menu. Make sure the Upcoming Meetings tab is selected, and select Start next to the appropriate meeting. If you don't already have Zoom installed, you will be prompted to download and install it.
Optionally, instructors can start the meeting from the Zoom desktop app.
Publishing Cloud Recordings (Optional)
If you chose to record your meeting, you can publish it to your Canvas course to make it available to your student by going to the Zoom Cloud Recordings tab and enabling the Publish option next to the desired recording. Students will go to this Cloud Recordings tab to view Zoom recordings that you have published.
Troubleshooting Tips
- Accessing Zoom through this Canvas integration only works if you have Rice NetID. If you want non-Rice people to join, then you'll have to share the meeting ID with them.
- Warning message:

- If you see this message, please go to your Canvas profile settings.
- Then under Ways to Contact you may need to add your NetID email address. You will then be emailed a confirmation link.
- Click the link in the email to finish registering.
- Then in your Canvas profile settings, click on the star icon next to it to make it the default.
- Try the Zoom link again. You may need to refresh your browser.
- If you continue to experience issues, please email or call 713-348-HELP
- Academic class recordings stored in the Zoom cloud will be deleted 60 days from the official last day of each semester.
- Non-academic recordings stored in the Zoom cloud will be deleted 9 months after the recording date.
- Deleted recordings will be stored in the Zoom trash for 30 days and can only be retrieved and downloaded by the meeting host.
- After 30 days, the recordings are permanently removed and will no longer be accessible. The meeting host will receive a notification 7 days prior to the recording being permanently deleted. This is the meeting host’s final opportunity to download and store the recording in an alternative location.