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How to Change an Organization/Department Account Password using MyNetID portal

Organization or Department accounts are assigned to a current Rice faculty or staff but not linked to the individual NetID password. The owner can change the account password in the MyNetID (Online Account Management System).

How to Change the Ownership of an Organization or Department account

  • If you are leaving your current department or changing roles within Rice, remember to shift the ownership of any Organization (department) accounts to a new account owner. This can be done by submitting a Help Desk ticket. 
  • If you find yourself in the position of taking over the ownership of an Organization (department) account, you can request ownership:
    • Submit a Help Desk ticket indicating an account ownership change - including the account name, previous owner (if known), and department
    • If the previous owner is unknown, the department administrator (approver) will need to verify the transfer of ownership.

How to Change the Password of an Organization or Department account


Step 1
:  Point your browser to the MyNetID Online Account Management System
Step 2:  On the "Sign In" Menu, enter your NetID; Password; Password Type=NetID Password. Click on Sign In.
Step 3:  Select "Change your account password" from the Account Maintenance navigation menu.

Change Password

Step 4: In the MyNetID (Online Account Management System) application, you will see all the accounts associated with your NetID.

Step 5: To change the password for an individual account, select from the list, enter the password using Password Requirements, and enter the password again. Click Submit.
Step 6: (For Organization accounts) To change the password for an organization accounts you own, Select just that account from the list.
Example:  Organization account named 'itservice'
Select Organization account

Step 7:  Using the Password Requirements, enter the password and enter the password again. Select Submit.
Password Criteria

Organization account department password unlinked account email mynetid rice ldap 
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