Topics Map > •Printing
Topics Map > •Applications & Software > -Windows

Print from your own computer (Windows)

Instructions for printing from your personal Windows computer

Plotter Print Drivers
Your computer must be connected to the Rice Owls Wireless or Wired Networks. If you are off-campus, start by logging in to VPN.

Plotter Print Drivers:

Plotters Driver Package 

1. Download and extract the print driver package by running "DDUOUT.EXE" as an administrator.

2. On your computer, click on the Start button (or the lower left button with the Windows logo). Start Button (the Windows logo).

3. In the search field, type "\\" and hit Enter.


4. You will be asked to authenticate. Use your NetID and password.


5. Double-click on the printer you want to install. Your computer will then download the driver from the server and it will install it on your computer. The next time you will try to print to the printer you may be asked to provide your NetID and password again.

If your computer is using wireless connection

The same directions as above can be used, but make sure you are using the *"RiceOwls"* wireless network (not "Visitor"). Rice printers are only available through the secure "RiceOwls" network that only people who have a valid NetID can use.

Printer/Plotter List

Plotter List
 Plotter  Driver HP DesignJet T1600dr HP DesignJet T1600dr HP DesignJet T1600dr
Plotter List
 Printer  Driver  HP PageWide Color E75160  HP LaserJet M605


For more information and support, please contact the OIT Help Desk

Keywordsowlprinting, print, Windows, plotter, add printer, print   Doc ID71353
OwnerEnrique H.GroupRice U
Created2017-03-03 17:00:13Updated2024-10-04 13:33:02
SitesRice University
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