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CRC NOTS Available Accounts, QOS, and Partitions in SLURM

CRC NOTS Available Accounts, QOS, and Partitions in SLURM

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Quality of Service (QOS)


QOSGrpCpuLimit means that the limit for number of CPUs allocated within a given QOS has been reached. By default everyone belongs to the nots_commons QOS, however, those groups that have purchased condos have access to additional resources via different QOSes which is why you may still see idle nodes in the cluster. When a QOS fills up the rest of the jobs submitted to the same QOS will hold with the QOSGrpCpuLimit message until more CPUs are freed up.


QOSGrpMemoryLimit means that the limit for amount of memory allocated within a given QOS has been reached. By default everyone belongs to the nots_commons QOS, however, those groups that have purchased condos have access to additional resources via different QOSes which is why you may still see idle nodes in the cluster. Your jobs will start running as soon as there are available resources within your QOS.


Available Partitions and System Load

NOTS Partitions
Account Name Partition Name Maximum Threads per Node Maximum Threads per User Maximum Submitted (Pending + Running) Jobs per User Maximum Run Time (HH:MM:SS)
commons commons 192 1,536 5,000 24:00:00
commons long 192 768 5,000 72:00:00
commons debug 192 384 100 00:30:00
commons scavenge 192 - 5,000 01:00:00

The definition of the queues are as follows:

  • commons - The general shared computing pool. Use this if you aren't sure which one to use.
  • long - Intended for jobs that are expected to take longer than a single day to run (maximum of 3 days).
  • debug - Intended for short jobs, primarily for the purposes of debugging and/or running interactive jobs. (This queue was previously known as "interactive" on the "old" NOTS cluster configuration.)
  • scavenge - Intended for jobs that run for 1 hour or less, taking advantage of idle condo nodes and possibly reducing your wait time. (The maximum run time of this queue has been reduced as compared to the "old" NOTS cluster configuration.)

Use the following command to determine the partitions with which you have access. Please note in the output the Account column information needs to be provided to your batch script in addition to the partition information.

sacctmgr show assoc cluster=nots user=netID

Advanced usage: Use the following command to determine raw QOS information for NOTS to see cluster characteristics. This information is presented in the above table to simplify the output.

sacctmgr show qos Names=nots_commons,nots_long,nots_debug,nots_scavenge

CRC NOTS Available Accounts, QOS, and Partitions in SLURM 
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Owned by:
Bryan R. in Rice U
Rice University