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CRC Logging Into the Cluster

CRC Logging Into the Cluster

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Logging Into the Cluster

The cluster login nodes can be accessed through Secure Shell from any machine on the Rice campus network.  You will need an active NetID and password in order to login (unless otherwise instructed).

You must apply for an account.

If you do not have an account on the Shared Computing Resources then you should apply for one. You will need a faculty sponsor for your account who is willing to pay the access fee.

If you need off-campus access, please visit our Off-Campus Access Guide.

To login to the system from a Linux or Unix machine, use the ssh command:

$ ssh -Y (your_login_name)

To transfer files into the cluster from a Linux or Unix machine, use the scp command:

$ scp some_file.dat *.incl *.txt (your_login_name)

For more information about using Secure Shell, please see our Using SSH to Login and Copy Files on the campus network Guide.

Login Nodes

Once you are logged in to the system, you are logged into one of several login nodes as shown in the diagram below. These nodes are intended for users to compile software, prepare data files, and submit jobs to the job queue. They are not intended for running compute jobs. Please run all compute jobs in one of the job queues described later in this document.

Login diagram

Diagram courtesy of Chris Hunter, Rice University

Do not run compute jobs on login nodes

Cluster login nodes are multi-user access points intended for users to compile software, copy and prepare data files, and submit jobs to the job queue. Any user running intensive computational tasks directly on the login node risks disciplinary action up to and including the loss of their access privileges.


CRC Logging Into the Cluster 
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Bryan R. in Rice U
Rice University