Microsoft OneDrive and Teams Storage Quotas

OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud-based personal storage platform, which allows individuals to securely access their files from any computer that has Internet connectivity. OneDrive can be accessed via web interface or client application.

Teams is Microsoft's cloud-based platform for user collaboration. Teams provides a service for collaborating on files, provides video-conferencing and IM chat, as well as other cloud-based collaboration tools, all in one application. SharePoint sites can be used independently but are used by Teams for file storage.

OneDrive is the best location for files that belong to one person personally. These files can remain private or can be shared with others individually if desired.

Teams or SharePoint is the best location for files that belong to a group, department, or are associated with specific projects or contain data whose primary function would be considered primarily collaborative, shared, or non-personal in nature. These files are accessible by anyone added to the Teams site and accessible within the Teams client or SharePoint. 

The Information Security Office maintains a matrix of which classifications of data are allowed on commonly used Rice OIT Service

When storing confidential or sensitive information, follow the guidelines listed here:  [Link for document 108639 is unavailable at this time]

Microsoft OneDrive Quotas

 Audience Quota

2 TB default, up to 5 TB by request (contact OIT Help Desk

Faculty and Staff

2 TB default, up to 5 TB by request (contact OIT Help Desk


2 TB default, up to 5 TB by request (contact OIT Help Desk

Resources: FAQ | Login

Microsoft Teams / SharePoint Quotas

 Audience Quota
Faculty and Staff Up to 25TB per Teams Site
Research Up to 25TB per Teams Site
Resources: [Link for document 109820 is unavailable at this time] | Microsoft Teams: Getting Started

Additional OneDrive Resources

Microsoft OneDrive cloud quota office teams limits, One Drive 
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Troy H. in Rice U
Rice University