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CRC Data Backup, Recovery, Compliance, Regulatory Controls, and Restrictions

CRC Data Backup, Recovery, Compliance, Regulatory Controls, and Restrictions

Data Backups Are the Responsibility of Each User

Backing up and archiving data remains the sole responsibility of the end user. At this point in time shared computing does not offer these services in any automated way. We strongly encourage all users to take full advantage of any storage services to prevent accidental loss or deletion of critical data by contacting us for advice on best practices in data management. We welcome any suggestions for offering a higher level of data security as we move forward with shared computing at Rice.


Research Data Compliance

Due to recent changes in NSF, NIH, DOD, and other government granting agencies, Research Data Management has become an important area of growth for Rice and is a critical factor in both conducting and funding research. The onus of maintaining and preserving research data generated by funded research is placed squarely upon the research faculty, post docs, and graduate students conducting the research. It is imperative that you are aware of your compliance responsibilities so as not to jeopardize the ability of Rice University to receive federal funding. We will help to provide you the information and assistance you need, but the best place to start is the SPARC Research Compliance website.

Research Data Regulatory Controls and Restrictions

Regulatory controls restrictions remains the sole responsibility of the end user. At this point in time shared computing does not offer these services on the clusters or research virtual machine service. We strongly encourage all users to take full advantage of any storage services to prevent accidentally putting data on a system that is not designed for such data by contacting us for advice on best practices in data management. We welcome any suggestions for offering a higher level of data security as we move forward with shared computing at Rice. The CRC does not have any kind of policing role, just an advisory one.

KeywordsCRC Cluster Data Backup, Recovery, Compliance, Regulatory Controls, and Restrictions   Doc ID108240
OwnerBryan R.GroupRice U
Created2021-01-11 11:40:16Updated2024-08-22 14:24:30
SitesRice University
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