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CRC Tutorials Page

CRC Tutorials Page

Because our clusters are highly complex environments, we do expect our users to acquire a basic set of skills before they get started. We understand that the range of computing experience among researchers can vary widely. In any cross-disciplinary field, there exists a need for introductory material to get researchers up to speed on fundamental concepts. We've gathered the following list of tutorials on varying computing subjects that we think will be of use.

At the least, a cluster user should understand:

  • Basic file/directory manipulation under Linux
  • Creating/Editing files under Linux
  • Writing and submitting job scripts
  • How to login to the clusters
  • How to copy data in and out of the clusters
  • Know whether your jobs are serial or parallel


Best Practice Guides: PRACE - Training Portal

Attend CRC Webinars

We will be holding these broadcasts on a regular basis for large and targeted groups, especially to introduce researchers to computing resources that are remotely accessible.


All of the clusters that make up our shared computing resources run the Linux operating system. Using Linux is very similar to using Windows or MacOS on the desktop level, but that changes when it comes time to perform tasks remotely, as we do with the CRC clusters. In order to work on CRC clusters, users must use the command line interface (CLI).

Scripting Languages

In order to submit compute jobs to the clusters, a basic understanding of shell scripting is required. Job submission scripts typically use Bash, but can employ more advance scripting techniques as well.

Parallel Programming (MPI)

Parallel Programming (OpenMP)

Software Debugging

KeywordsCRC, Tutorials, Page   Doc ID108231
OwnerBryan R.GroupRice U
Created2021-01-11 11:18:07Updated2024-08-22 14:26:59
SitesRice University
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