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CRC Software Policies

CRC Software Policies

Software Policies

It is not possible for us to install and maintain software packages on behalf of the various research groups that have access to our shared compute clusters due to staffing limitations. However, software packages will be considered for installation by us if they are going to be used by multiple research groups. Therefore, please follow these guidelines for software installation requests:

Software installation for a single user

If the software is only being used by one researcher then we recommend that he/she install this software in his/her home directory and maintain it.

Software installation for a single research group

If the software is only being used by one research group then we recommend that a member of the group install it in a location accessible to all members of the group, such as /projects/group-name.

Software installation for multiple research groups

If the software is going to be used by multiple research groups, then please submit a request to the Help Desk for the software installation. Please include the names of the other research group PIs interested in running the same software. We will then install the software or assist in installing it in a common area that all of the research groups can access.

Software licenses

Some software packages require license keys in order to run. If your software package requires a license, please inform the Help Desk so we can determine if Rice already owns a license for your software before you purchase another one. Additionally, some software licenses require a license server in order to run. This feature is one that only a systems administrator can install. Please inform the Help Desk in this case and we will assist in setting up the license server.

Getting Help

If you are unable to get your software package to compile and/or install correctly or find that you do not have sufficient privilege to install your software package, please inform us via the Help Desk.

KeywordsCRC, Software, Policies   Doc ID108230
OwnerBryan R.GroupRice U
Created2021-01-11 11:15:39Updated2024-08-22 14:35:16
SitesRice University
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