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Laptop Loaner Program

A short-term laptop loaner program is available for Rice faculty, staff, and students.


  • The program is intended to bridge a gap when an individual's primary computer needs to be repaired and a temporary productivity computer is needed. 
  • Due to limited supply, checkout is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Loans are limited to a maximum of two weeks for faculty, staff, and students.
  • The loaner program is not intended to fill any long-term resource needs.
  • Graduate students needing a loaner laptop for more than two weeks should submit a request through the Adams and Moseley Funds | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies web page.
  • There are open Labs for student use, listed here:  Windows OS Labs and MacOS Labs.


Request Process

To request a loaner laptop:

  • Submit an OIT Help Desk Ticket by emailing or by completing the OIT Service Request form.
  • In the request, please include the reason for requesting the loan.
  • OIT will confirm your eligibility status and laptop availability.
  • Once eligibility status and laptop availability are confirmed, OIT will communicate the time and location for pick-up.
  • If OIT is unable to fulfill your request, you will also receive a ticket reply via email.

Typical reasons for requesting a loaner laptop:

  • Your regular computer is being repaired, or a replacement computer is not yet in place.
  • Shipment of your new computer is delayed.
  • You are under temporary quarantine and cannot visit campus computer labs.

Checkout Process

  • Follow the confirmation instructions. Reference the OIT Service Desk Ticket # when arriving for pick-up.
  • Be sure to bring your Rice ID with you.
    • IMPORTANT: Before picking up the loaner laptop, the requester must have completed the Loaner Laptop Participant Agreement via Adobe Sign.

Return Process

  • Refer to your OIT Service Request Ticket and return the laptop on or before your assigned return due date.
  • OIT will confirm the time and location for returning the laptop.
  • Back up and remove any data saved on the loaner laptop.
    • OIT is not responsible for any data left on the laptop.
  • Report any issues (via OIT Service Request) while using the laptop.
  • All equipment must be returned -
    • Laptop
    • Power adapter
    • Case or box

Rice University laptop loan loaner check out faculty staff student OIT computer repair borrow loaner 
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