Google Meet Video Conferencing

A basic introduction to Google Meet, which is a video conferencing tool in the G Suite for Education that can be used by faculty, students and staff to conduct virtual meetings with multiple people, share screens and record sessions.
For more in-depth information, see the G Suite Learning Center's Google Meet Training and Help.
Record a Session
End a Session

Initiate a Google Meet Session

1. Log into your Rice Google account with your NetID and Net ID or Google password. (Read about which password to use.
2. After successfully logging in, click the 9-dot grid or waffle in the upper right corner, which is Google's App Launcher icon. Then click the Meet icon.
Select Google's App Launcher icon and then the Meet icon.
3. Click the bar that says Join or start a meeting. You may enter a meeting name or leave the field blank.
Select Join or start a meeting.
4. When accessing for the first time, you will receive a pop-up box asking for permission for Google Meet to access your microphone and camera so that the other participants can see and hear you. Select Allow. want to use your microphone and use your camera. Select allow.
5. A meeting-ready box will present the meeting URL and dial-in access number and pin. Click Join Now to invite additional participants to the meeting.
Click Join now.
6. You may either copy the URL and/or dial-in information presented and manually distribute it to your participants, or click Add People to send email invitations to your participants.
The Add others dialog box allows you to send email invitations to participants by selecting Add People.
7. When the participants connect, you will see their names listed on the right panel under the People tab.  Clicking the Chat tab will enable you to send messages to participants.
people chat icons

Share Your Screen

1. In the lower right corner, click Present now. You can either share your entire screen, which will share all applications open on your device, or a window, which will enable you to specify what is shared – e.g. specific Microsoft Word or Excel files that you have open.  
The Present dialog box has two options for sharing your entire screen or a window.

Record a Session

1. Click the 3-dot grid or the More Options icon in the lower right corner and then Record Meeting
Select the More Options icon and then Record Meeting.
2. It is your responsibility to obtain consent from all participants before recording a meeting. 
The Ask for Consent box says,

Disable Audio or Video

Click the Microphone icon in the bottom center to disable audio and prevent the participants from hearing you. Click again to enable.
Selecting the microphone option turns off audio.
Click the Video Camera icon in the bottom center to disable video and prevent the participants from seeing you. Click again to enable.
Selecting the camera option turns off audio.

End a Session

Click the Leave Meeting icon (red phone) in the bottom center to end the session.
Selecting the leave meeting option ends a session.

 Additional Information:


google hangouts meet video remote learning 
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Liz B. in Rice U
Rice University