Request Tracker RT Create an Auth Token for user

Allow RT user to create an Auth Token.

RT Request Tracker's Auth Token


    Once you have an authentication token, you may use it in place of a
    password to log into RT. (Additionally, RT::Extension::REST2 allows for
    using auth tokens with the Authorization: token HTTP header.) One common
    use case is to use an authentication token as an application-specific
    password, so that you may revoke that application's access without
    disturbing other applications. You also need not change your password,
    since the application never received it.


OIT staff members with privileged RT accounts have the ability to create an RT Auth Token.  You will find the menu option "Auth Tokens" under your RT account:

"Logged in as ____" ==> Settings.

Auth Token Menu Option

You must first have a local RT password set in order to create an Auth Token.

Local Password setup:

To set a local password in RT, for the FIRST TIME
contact the Help Desk and ask them to set up a local
password on your RT account.

OIT End User - Reset your local password:

Immediately RESET your RT local password, using the initial password the Help Desk staff just set for you.
Follow the menus: "Logged in as ____" ==> Settings ==> About Me.

The "Access Control" Box in the upper right corner will allow
you to set a new password, using your current password.

Change Password in the Access Control Box, using your initial password to authorize

The RT local password is only used for special functions like
creating/revoking an Auth Token. You can continue to login to
RT for ticket management with your NetID password.


You can create multiple Auth Tokens; using your RT local password, to be used by different applications accessing RT.  You can revoke your Auth Tokens at any time in RT.

Help Desk Staff and Campus Services Info

All Help Desk Staff, and most Campus Services Div. Reps have the ability to set a local password for another privileged RT user.  You must first have a local RT password set for yourself.  Then you can set an initial password for another user. 
To set a local password for another user, find that user's RT account, under the Admin Tab:
-- Menu Tabs: Admin => Users => Select User;   enter Netid
On the user's record, Update the Access Control Box with a new local password.  You must enter YOUR local password first to authorize the action.
Scroll to the bottom and select "Save Changes"
Set a User's initial Local password
Same info, in a short video here ........
The password takes effect immediately.  Ask the user to immediately update their local password, using the initial password you just set for them.

RT, Request Tracker, Auth, Token, OAuth, password, local 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Tod S. in Rice U
DoIT Help Desk, Rice University