ODBC Connection for Microsoft Access
Workstation Configuration
Step 1: Open a Help Desk ticket for Administrative Systems (AESS): Provide the IP address of the workstation requesting direct access to Banner databases. (This applies to new workstations or new IP addresses).
Step 2: The user needs to have Administrator or update privileges on the C: drive.
Step 3: Install 64-bit Oracle client (11gR2 is preferred, effective Aug. 2013).
Step 4: Store tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files in %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin folder
Note: The default Oracle home, %ORACLE_HOME% for 11gR2 is C:\Oracle\prduct\11.2.0\client_1. If your Oracle home is different, pick the one you use.
Contact Administrative Systems at admsys@rice.edu for the latest sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files.
Create and Configure New Data Source (ODBC)
Step 1: Open Control Panel.
Step 2: Select Administrative Tools.
Step 3: Click on Data Sources (ODBC).
Step 4: (Select one) Click System DSN or User DSN.
Step 5: Add a new driver: select Oracle in OraClient11g_home1
Step 6: Click Finish
Data Source
Step 1: Enter the Data Source Name, Description, and Server (i.e. Prod, Banner Prod database).
Step 2: Test using the new Data Source.