Topics Map > •Email, Collaboration & Storage

Storage Options for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Undergraduate and graduate students have the following options for storage, file sharing and collaboration.
The table on file sharing and storage

File Sharing and Storage 



Undergraduate Student

Graduate Student

Box at Rice University
Cloud-based file storage and file sharing application
Getting Started with Box
Box Help

Box Resources   Box Login 1 Tb Limit  1 TB Limit 
Google Drive
Cloud-based file storage and file sharing application for individuals
FAQ Google Drive Login 

Initial Quota: 10 Gb

Additional quota: 50 Gb (by request)

Initial Quota: 10 Gb

Additional quota: 50 Gb (by request)

OneDrive (Office 365 Education)
Cloud-based file storage and file sharing application
Getting Started with Office 365
Office 365 Help
 FAQ  One Drive Login

2 TB Initial Limit 

2-5 TB by request (contact OIT Help Desk)

2 TB Initial Limit 

2-5 TB by request (contact OIT Help Desk

5-25 TB by request and with a departmental review (contact OIT Help Desk

box, home, directory, storage, personal, google, one drive, onedrive, department, share, collaborate, file sharing, data, management. office 365 directory, O365, microsoft, rice, U drive, 
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